I was very excited about doing this photoshoot and having it published in Sheeba Magazine. Originally the idea behind this shoot was to come up with a theme revolving around the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water. It is annual tradition to do self-portraits for my birthday and I always try to do something creative and different. Towards the end of the photo shoot, which was ongoing during the months of January and February, another alternative model Jeffery Steele mentioned that I should take the opportunity to submit my work to Sheeba Magazine for possible consideration. Jeffery Steele and I met each other in the previous year through Sheeba Magazine when were both published in the same issue for the all-male issue. Originally the photo shoots were for me to just do creative portraits for my birthday but I took the advice and submitted my images to the magazine. I received a great response and was emailed back from the editor with an interview to be featured in ...
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