Scelto Universe: Odyssey cast the spell of separation The Video Breakdown

“There are people out there who can’t even handle looking at themselves in the mirror. There is no way they can handle what I just did.”
-Jeffery Odyssey-

Odyssey casts a spell of separation.
In the Scelto Universe there is Odyssey, member of Team Scelto, who decided to make a personal change.

Odyssey takes a trip to New Orleans to visit a witch that may be able to help him with his personality problem. Odyssey wants to hold on to his humanity, but he also knows that whenever he experiences heartbreak and extreme anger his dark side will take over. 

When he meets up with a witch in New Orleans and explains to her what his dilemma is, she gives him a duality potion which would help in locking away his dark side but she also warns him of the price that comes with it.  Odyssey’s only concern at the time was getting rid of his dark side and was prepared to deal with whatever problems came afterwards.
 Taking the potion, Odyssey began to have more and more black outs. There were many moments when was unable to recall what happened during the previous nights.

What Odyssey finds out later is that when he had these black outs, it was actually his dark side taking over giving himself the name Dark Odyssey. During one of the final black outs Dark Odyssey finds a way to separate himself from Odyssey which will create a duplicate body of his own.


Although Dark Odyssey discovered the spell, it was Odyssey who cast the spell.

In the latest video, “Spell of Separation”, we see the spell in action and watch Odyssey and Dark Odyssey face to face for the first time. The two vampires talk for a short amount of time until Odyssey leaves Dark Odyssey with the final words of “See you in Seattle”
Artistic Breakdown

The video is less two minutes but there are a lot of hidden symbols in the video. Some of which won’t be revealed until other videos come out in the future.

During the time that the spell is cast, you can see in the background that majority of the things in the apartment are in boxes. Which should give a hint of someone leaving or moving.

Casting a spell
            The video starts off with a magic book hitting the ground. But in previous stories, Odyssey has always been recognized as vampire with fire powers. Does this spell give a hint that Odyssey may be part witch, warlock, or heretic of some type?

Dark Odyssey Forming
            When we see Dark Odyssey appear there is also a ball of light going through his body. What does that mean?

Face to Face
            When we see Odyssey and Dark Odyssey in the same frame we can also the orb in between them. Half blue and white and the other half is black and white.

Who’s the baddest of them all
            Naturally we can assume that Dark Odyssey is the most evil of the two. Just by standing there he looks scarier than Odyssey. But only time can reveal who’s the scariest and most dangerous.

Photo on the left by Jeff Cumming

Two bodies one life
            There is a moment of panic on Dark Odyssey’s face when he thinks that Odyssey is about to kill him. That is also when Dark Odyssey reminds Odyssey that he can’t kill him without killing himself. Even though these two now have separate bodies they still share same life energy.

The price
            long before Odyssey took the duality potion, the witch warned him that there would be price taking a potion like this. Dark Odyssey also mention when he appeared in front of Odyssey, “I’m sure a spell like this didn’t come without a price. What exactly are you up to?” Odyssey experienced numerous blackouts during the time that Dark Odyssey was taking over. Although the two are separated they are still bound to each other so regardless of what happens in the future they need to keep in mind that if one dies, they both die. Was this the price that Odyssey was warned about for trying to rid himself of his dark side, or is that just the beginning of a chain of events leading up to the actual price that he has to pay.

Odyssey has been to Seattle before. The question is, what is so special about that area? Odyssey cast the spell of separation and says, “See you in Seattle” is he already aware that Dark Odyssey is bound to him. Does Odyssey have other plans that he isn’t speaking about? Does Dark Odyssey not have a choice on going to Seattle?

Happy Ending
Overall Odyssey does tell Dark Odyssey that he figured out a way to get his happy ending without Dark Odyssey getting in the way. This just opens the door to a long list of other questions. What is Odyssey’s happy ending? Is he getting married? Is he having a baby?  The only person that knows for sure is Odyssey but he is not giving out any hints on that subject.

You can watch the video on youtube. Just click on the link below.

Feel free to let me know what you think.


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