Review on article titled " The debate between short-form, long-form video"
debate between short-form, long-form video
The article
titled “The debate between short-for, long- form video”, was published May 18,
2015 and I feel that this article will remain relevant for years to come. It
describes short form videos as being anything ten minutes or under and of
course long form video is anything above that. Whether short for or long form,
the purpose remains the same. These videos are either used for advertising,
training, or entertainment.
The key to both forms,
and using them in the most effective way it by knowing who your target audience
is. That is what this article does a good job of explaining. If you want to
advertise your business and promote your work. You must know your audience
otherwise there will be a lot of wasted time and money that goes towards people
who aren’t interested in what you are saying. This article as does not just
focus on one specific type of business or one specific audience. The article
takes everything into consideration and points out the most effective forms of
advertising and entertainment along with pointing out the age range or
generation that watches the most videos, whether short or long form and if it
is on television or portable devices. The article clearly states “short form is
the undisputed format of choice for millennials and represents the, hottest
growth category in digital. The appetite for short- form video is off the
charts, with penetration in the 12 to 44 year -old demographic ranging from 88%
to 96%.”
When it comes to my
personal views, I understand the purpose advertisement and knowing your
audience. On a psychological side of things, I am also aware that majority of
each generation becomes less and less capable of maintaining focus for long
periods of time. But this also goes back to the idea of know where your target
audience is. If the demographic age range is 12 to 44 years old, then you must
adapt to their preferences. It doesn’t mean that everyone in that age range
prefers short form video. It just means that it is a “majority” preference. For
me personally, I would prefer long form video for the things that I am
interested in.
I referred to
entertainment/social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram,
for additional information. The reason why is because the article does mention
YouTube and Facebook. The other reason is because I use those websites daily
along with the use of Instagram. Honestly, it is annoying when it comes to advertisement
because is most cases, to view something that I am interested, I am basically
forced to watch a commercial, advertisement, or promotion of some type. I believe what is most annoying is that videos
have nothing to do with what I am preparing to watch intentionally. What I also
notice is that they all fall into the category of short from video. From a
business perspective, I see the benefits because I know who the target audience
is, the videos fall below ten minutes, and the videos get straight to the
point. Overall, there is no obligation to produce long- form videos. This can
also be viewed as an option that saves money when it comes to putting these
advertisements and promotions together.
There are also a few things I have noticed about advertising through
video on social media. From a viewer’s standpoint, random video advertisements
continue to show up in between videos, timelines, and news feeds. Social media
websites do give surveys and options on how to lower the number of
advertisements but under free use, they never give the option to block them
completely. The obvious reason behind this is money. If a business is paying
YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram for advertisement space then those websites or
apps are going to show the advertisements regardless of your user preferences.
I also notice that with YouTube Red you won’t have to worry about commercial
interruptions but for this option the user must pay a monthly subscription.
From the business point
of view each site has a term of service for advertising as well as a term of
service for basic use. For business advertising, you do have options of
choosing your target audience as long as it is not targeting an audience that
is under age or an targeting an audience to be offensive. The greatest benefit
is that these sites also give you daily and monthly statistics to keep you
informed on who is viewing your advertisements and other helpful information in
regards to your target audience.
Works Cited
Debate between Short-form, Long-form Video." International News Media
Association (INMA). N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
Help Center." FAQs for
Brands and Businesses | Instagram Help Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr.
"Facebook." Advertising Policies. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
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